Summary of the focus of the site:

The purpose of this site is to keep connected with the cohort in later years. In a club I am a part of, we connect with teammates by holding chats every week with one person on the team. This chat can be an outing, a lunch, a coffee, or even just a facetime or a text. From there we share a fun fact about a person so the team can get to know the members as well. We could also have a section where people comment fun facts about the person they met and all the fun facts can be accumulated under a file of someone's name (using a detail 3 page method learned in class).

Notes on the audience/s for the project:

The audience is of course Cohort 9 primarily, but can also open out to iya students and even minors. As we get busier in ater years, it can be nice to keep up with people throughout the semester by creating a site to reference a chat you have to catch up with people in the cohort.

Discussion of the underlying data for the site:

The underlying data for this site will be based on 1) meetup times 2) IYA members and 3) their funfacts and bios