Garment, hand painted
Fits sizes 2-4
Made August 2021
Materials: Thrifted Insulation company jacket, printmaking textile paint
Themes: textile printmaking, hand-carved printing, creating gradients with textile paints, painting from a childhood photo reference photo, satirical reference to my name and family life, blurring the lines between art and fashion
During the fall of my Senior year, my Independent Study allowed me to delve into fashion design pertaining to activism and how it helped bolster social justice movements of the past, present, and future.
The Campbelle Soup Jacket, a thrifted winter coat, is an exploration of upcycling, or clothing refurbishment, for the sake of finding new and sustainable ways to make clothing. Fashion pollution is the number two pollutant on this earth plaguing our landfills and taking up space unnecessarily. As an artist who has the talents to upcycle clothing and make things look new, I feel it my duty to demonstrate alternate routes to constantly buying into fast fashion trends.